EDGE 502963
EDGE 502963
Compaction Plate

EDGE 502963

EC35 Compaction Plate with Standard Excavator Mount

Maximize the efficiency of your compact excavator with the EDGE Compaction Plate. EDGE compaction plates can be used anywhere a boom can reach; in trenches, around foundations, on slopes or seawalls. Compaction plates can safely compact trenches, often eliminating the extra cost involved with a walk-behind unit and the added expense of trench boxes or shoring. EDGE compaction plates are also ideal for driving steel sheeting used for retaining walls.

Technical Specifications:

  • Mount: No Mount
  • Model: EC35
  • Hyd. Req. (gpm/lpm): 7.5/28
  • Hyd. Req. (psi/bar): 2000/138
  • Impulse Force (lbs/kg): 3000/1361
  • Base Plate Size (in/mm): 12x26/305x660
  • Wt. (lbs):
  • 310

Click here for Specification Sheet